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Sergey Sergeev, Bread and Wine, oil on canvas, 107 x 126 cm, 1991

Bread and Wine


    Born in Leningrad.
    1973 Graduated from Serov Art College, Stage Decoration Department.
    1975 A member of Non-conformist Movement (Unofficial Art Society).
    1981 A founder and an active member of Experimental Art Society Exhibitions.
    Sergey Sergeev is a member of IFA (UNESCO International Artists Federation).

    1988 Group exhibition “Modern Art of Leningrad” at Manezh Gallery, St. Petersburg. 
    1988 “Art-contact” at “Rigas-modas” trade house, Riga, Latvia.
    1988 Art-2I Gallery, Paris, France. 
    1988 Guernsay Exhibition and Auction, New York, USA. 
    1989 “Art of Modern Russia”, Gallery Lory, New York, USA.
    1990 “The Russian Experiment”, Gastle Gallery, New Rochelly, USA. 
    1990 “Leningrad Artists at the Malaya Gruzinskaya”, Moscow.
    1991 “St. Petersburg Art”, Helsinki, Porvo, Finland.
    1991 Hammer Center, Moscow.
    “Art-collegium”, Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.
    1992 TIAS’92, Tokyo International Art Show. 
    1992 East-West Gallery, San Francisco, USA.
    1993 “Russiche Maler der Perestroika”, Karlsruhe, Germany.
    1994 -1995 Season exhibitions at Manezh Gallery, St. Petersburg.
    1995 “Avantgarde”, Kultur + pojetmanagement galerie, Duisburg, Germany.
    1996 Solo exhibition, Palitra gallery, St. Peters-burg.
    1998 Group exhibition in Rochester City, NY.
    1999 Group exhibition in Santa Barbara, CA.
    2000 Artexpo San Francisco, CA.
    2001 Artexpo New York, NY.
    2003 Group exhibition at Mr. and Mrs. Tovbin home. San Francisco, CA.
    2003 Group exhibition at Mr. and Mrs. Portnoy home. Hillsborough, CA
    2004 Group exhibition at Artodox Publishing place. San Francisco, CA. 
    2007 The Mix: Russian Modern Art. Group exhibition at Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA.
    Paintings of Sergey Sergeev are kept in public collections (Museum of the History of St. Petersburg; Decorative Arts Museum in Sevastopol, Ukraine; Jan Zimmerly Art Museum, USA. Paintings are kept in private collections in Russia, France, USA, Japan and Germany.



    1980 - Observatory, Crimea 
    1994 - Bread and Wine, Art Collegium Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1995 - Maxim Publishing House, Moscow, Russia 
    1996 - Painting of Various Years, Palitra Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1997 - Selected, Gallery D137, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    2000 - Palimpsests, Palitra Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    2001 - Shift, Gallery D137, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    2003 - Shift. Changing exhibition between D137 Gallery and “ARKA” Gallery. ARKA Gallery. Vladivostok. Russia 
    2004 - Bull’s Whisper. D137 Gallery. Saint-Petersburg. Russia 
    2006 - Einsturzende Neubauten. D137 gallery. St. Petersburg. Russia 
    2009 - Urban architecture. D137 Gallery. St Petersburg. Russia 
    2011- “InsideOutside” D137 Gallery. St Petersburg. Russia


    1978 - Artists of Leningrad, Observatory, Crimea 
    1979 - Alypius, University of Tartu, Estonia 
    1981 - First Exhibition of the Fellowship of Experimental Art on Bronnitskaya, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1982-1987 - Series of exhibitions of the Fellowship of Experimental Art, Youth Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1988 - Modern Art of Leningrad, Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1988 - Art Contact, Rigas-Modas, Riga, Latvia 
    1988 - Galerie Art-2i, Paris, France 
    1988 - Guernsey’s Exhibition and Auction, New York, USA 
    1989 - The Art of Contemporary Russia, Gallery Lory, New York, USA 
    1989 - Exhibition, Simferopol Museum of Fine Art, Ukraine 
    1990 - The Russian Experiment, Castle Gallery, New Rochelle, USA 
    1990 - Leningrad Artists on Malaya Gruzinskaya, Moscow, Russia 
    1991 - St. Petersburg Art, Helsinki/Porvoo, Finland 
    1991 - Hammer Center, Moscow, Russia 
    1991 - Art Collegium, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1992 - TIAS ‘92 (Tokyo International Art Show), Tokyo, Japan 
    1992 - East-West Gallery, San Francisco, USA 
    1993 - Russian Artist of Perestroika, Karlsruhe, Germany 
    1994 - Third Petersburg Biennale, Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1995 - Art Reality ‘95, Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1995 - Avantgard Gallery, Duisburg, Germany 
    1997 - International Society for the Development of Science and Culture, Hamburg, Germany 
    1997 - Portraits of Twentieth-Century Artists, Tauride Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1997 - Neobattalism-2, Borei Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1998 - Anatomy of Modern Art, Art Collegium, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1998 - Collection, Palitra Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    1996 - 1999 - Series of exhibitions, Gallery D137, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    2000 - All Petersburg 1999, Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    2000 - was represented by D137 Gallery at the 6-th Moscow International Art Fair Art-Manege, Russia 
    2001 - Russian Abstraction. XXI century. The newest technology, D137 Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    2001 - Russian Abstraction in the Twentieth Century, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    2002 - was represented by D137 Gallery at “Art Moscow’ 2002?, Moscow, Russia 
    2002 - was represented by D137 Gallery at “Art Forum Berlin’ 2002?, Berlin, Germany 
    2004 - was represented by D137 Gallery at “Art Moscow’ 2004?, Moscow, Russia 
    2005 - Nunerous Serial. Pushkinskaya, 10. Saint-Petersburg. Russia 
    2005 - was represented by D137 Gallery at “Art Moscow’2005?, Moscow, Russia 
    2006 - was represented by D137 Gallery at “Art Moscow’2006?, Moscow, Russia 
    2006 - D137. XL gallery. Moscow. Russia 
    2007 - was represented by D137 Gallery at “Art Moscow’2007?, Moscow, Russia 
    2009 - was represented by D137 Gallery at “Art Vilnius’2009?, Vilnius, Lithuania


    State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia 
    State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, Russia 
    Sevastopol Museum of Fine Art, Ukraine 
    Zimmerli Art Museum, New Jersey, USA 
    Museum of Nonconformist Art of St. Petersburg, Russia 
    Kolodzei Art Foundation, Inc. 
    Gallery D137, St. Petersburg, Russia

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